In September, Cicero began attacking Antony in a series of speeches, which he called the Philippics, in honour of his inspiration, Demosthenes’ speeches denouncing Philip II of Macedon. Sensing an opportunity, Cicero encouraged Octavian to oppose Antony. : to send forth censures or invectives fulminating against government regulators- Mark Singer. : to utter or send out with denunciation fulminate a decree. The senator was prone to diatribes which could go on for more than an hour. A speech or writing which bitterly denounces something. What does diatribe mean dictionary?Ī bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism: repeated diatribes against the senator.Īn abusive, bitter, attack, or criticism: denunciation.

The English word first referred to the popular lectures of ancient Greek and Roman philosophers, the usual topic of which was ethics. The word comes from Greek diatribē, meaning “pastime” or “discourse,” by way of Latin diatriba.